Long & Foster offices throughout the Mid-Atlantic region are participating in the Toys for Tots donation drive. 2015 marks the company’s 25th year participating in the holiday collection campaign. Between now and mid-December, each of the company’s nearly 200 sales offices throughout seven states will accept donations or new unwrapped gifts for disadvantaged children.
The U.S. Marine Corps Reserves Toys for Tots program began with a single campaign in 1947. In 2009, Marines distributed gifts to 7.4 million children in 691 communities nationwide. The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation relies on individual donations from the American public as well as support from corporate sponsors. For more information, visit www.toysfortots.org.
Long & Foster’s Arlington Office at 4600 Lee Highway is part of the community in which we operate and we’re honored to have this opportunity to not only contribute to the Toys for Tots initiative, but to give our fellow community members a convenient location to make their donations. We will collect all of the new, unwrapped toy donations and ensure that less fortunate children in our area are the recipients of some holiday cheer.
For other office locations, go to the Long & Foster website and put in the name of the city or town under “office location” that would be most convenient for you.