UPDATE: This was a date specific event, but search the Arlington County website for MLK Tributes and Days of Service for the current year.
The third Monday of January is a Federal holiday to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday and residents of Arlington can pay tribute in several ways. On the Saturday prior to the holiday, Volunteer Arlington has a variety of ways to participate in MLK Day of Service. On the Sunday prior, Arlington typically holds a tribute. For 2025, the MLK Tribute will be held at Wakefield High School from 5-6:30 with a production of Dreams, Faith, and Justice in Action.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?'” Each year, Americans across the country come together on the King Holiday to serve their neighbors and communities in what has been proclaimed a national “Day of Service”.
Each of us can contribute to strengthening our own communities by serving in Dr. King’s honor on the King Holiday and throughout the year. The King Center website says that “King Day is a time for realizing that each of us has the power to help alleviate poverty, build community and foster peace through nonviolence, if only we have the courage and commitment to work for it.”
If you’re interested in finding other service project in this area or registering one of your own, visit http://mlkday.gov/.