Arlington is best known for Arlington National Cemetery which is also the site of Arlington House – the “Custis Lee Mansion”. The mansion has recently been restored and is open to the public. Try to time your visit to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiiers which occurs every half hour from April 1-Sept 30 and every hour the rest of the year. Other highlights include the Eternal Flame at John F. Kennedy’s Grave, the Memorial to Women in Military Service, Memorials to the Space Shuttle Challenger and Space Shuttle Columbia and the Memorial Amphitheatre where special events are held on certain holidays.
Memorial Day weekend is an especially good time to go. More than 250,000 flags placed on the gravesites just prior to Memorial Day by every available soldier in the 3rd infantry in a tradition known as “Flags In”, and a Memorial Day Observance is held at the amphitheatre. In December, volunteers from Wreaths Across America put a wreath at every headstone. Check the website for specific times and details.