The Arlington Department of Environmental Services has announced that Christmas Tree Collection will be from January 6-17, 2014 on your regular trash day. Be sure to removal all decorations, nails, stands and plastic bags and place the tree on the curb no later than 6 am on your regular trash collection day. After the trees are collected, they will be ground into wood mulch for garden use. Check out this short video to see how Arlington recycles your tree.
Residents who do not have curbside recycling service, such as those living in townhouses, apartments, or condominiums, may call (703) 228-6570 Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m to schedule an appointment to bring their Christmas trees to the Solid Waste Bureau.
After January 17, holiday trees will not be recycled, but will be collected as trash on your regular trash collection day.